5 Tips For Keeping Your Dog Tick Free This Summer


Ticks are annoying, awful little insects that can spread diseases. Once embedded into your dog’s skin, ticks can spread Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Lyme Disease. Along with these diseases, ticks can cause tick paralysis, which can produce inflammation and infections at the site of the bite. Prevention is the best step in keeping your dog from getting a tick-borne disease. Here you will find 5 tips to keeping your dog from getting these tick-borne diseases.

Learn which season is tick season

Although your dog can get ticks anytime of the year, there are certain seasons that are more tick heavy. Ask your vet for more area specific tick seasons, but in California, tick season is generally in the fall and spring. The fresh, tall, green weeds that begin popping up in the spring is perfect breeding grounds for ticks. May and June are big tick months for the spring while October and November are tick months for the fall.

Use tick prevention products

There are many different products out there that prevent or kill ticks. Remember to keep up with your dog’s tick medication. Although tick collars do work, it’s best to refrain from using this type of prevention on dogs who swim often. To find out which prevention method is best for your dog, speak with your veterinarian.

Feel for ticks daily

During the tick season, frisk your dog daily, especially after playing in the long grass or wooded areas. Getting rid of the tick before it has a chance to embed itself into your dog’s skin will decrease the chance of spreading disease. Pay extra close attention to your dog’s neck, head, and ears as this is the Ticks’ favorite place to latch on to.

Remove ticks immediately

As soon as you find a tick on your furry companion, remove it. The less time the tick spends on your dog the less likely the spread of disease will happen. There are many different methods in which you can remove a tick, speak with your vet to find out which is best.

Know the symptoms and seek early veterinary assistance

The majority of dogs that come in contact with ticks remain disease free, but in the small chance that your dog does contract a disease, it’s best to know the symptoms. The sooner you can get your dog to your vet the better the outcome will be. If your dog has come in contact with a tick, speak with your vet about possible symptoms you should be looking out for.