We all want to do our part in helping create a clean and safe environment. Some of us go the extra mile to make sure products or behaviors are not harming the environment while the rest does their part in recycling, conserving water and energy. No matter what your role is in saving the environment, there are always ways in which we could do better. Here are a few tips to going green with your pets.
If you feed your cat or dog canned food, buy food that comes in larger cans. Buying the biggest can of canned food is most ecological and uses less metal. And when you’re done, you can recycle the cans. Save all plastics. Save your bread bag or that cereal bag that comes in the box. With these plastic bags, you can clean up dog poop, saving the environment and you money.
Reusable bags:
We all know that using reusable bags when we go to the grocery store is a great way to reduce wasted bags, but when you a picking out your fruit and vegetable, skip putting them into a plastic bag. You’ll wash your produce before you eat it anyway, so what does the plastic bag help with?
Buy in bulk:
If you usually get your dog rawhide, buy them all at once, they won’t go bad. By buying them in bulk you will be saving the amount of packaging, plus savings for you. If buying 100 rawhides is too much, look for a few friends or colleagues that would go in on them with you.
Reuse plastic bottles:
Most of us nowadays have reusable water bottles, but the select few that still use regular plastic bottle can use them as a toy when they’re finished. Take off the lid from the bottle and throw it to your dog, it’s a great chew toy that is safe and is still recyclable when they’re finished with it.
Scoop the poop:
When you go to change your kitty’s litter box, scoop the urine and feces clumps versus dumping the kitty litter. You should only be changing the entire litter box once a year. When you do scoop the poop, get a smaller container or pail and place the plastic bag in it. When you scoop the poop, place it in the plastic bag in the container and cover it with a lid. When the bag gets full you can throw it out. This way, you’re using less plastic bags.